The Cujoh Clinic

Famfrit | Shirogane | Ward 14 | Plot 50Next Opening:
Sunday, April 7, 8 PM-10 PM EST

A clinic-themed, SFW RP venue in Final Fantasy XIV available 24/7 for RP sessions, Gposing, and more.If you'd like to coordinate an RP session with us, contact _diatonic on Discord! Otherwise, you're welcome to use the venue as you see fit for your own storytelling/Gposing purposes.

Cujoh Clinic - Staff

Coming soon!

Cujoh Clinic - About

The clinic was initially founded several decades ago by former Sharlayan Forum member Jonvald Cujoh. It was created to help fill in a gap of full-time medical professionals in the Shirogane community, and was Jonvald's first practice following his training as a practicioner of White Magic. When he chose the further pursuit of knowledge on Sharlayan shores some few years later, the practice was left in the hands of his understudies, who themselves eventually moved on from clinical work, leaving the building abandoned.Following Josiff's return to Eorzean shores as an emissary for the Students of Baldesion, the Miqo'te purchased the property and began a full renovation of the facilities in honor of his tutor Jonvald. Having only recently completed renovations, he has recently re-opened the clinic, much to the delight of the residents of Shirogane.